
Why Does a Dehumidifier Freeze Up?

Why Does a Dehumidifier Freeze Up

As it maintains the room temperature in the place where it is installed through its climate control feature, a dehumidifier is a mechanic. Controlling the temperature inside your room, allows you to remove the moisture where the mold is formed. If you are using this mechanic, then a very common problem that you would have to face is that the cooling coils would be freezing. 

Read below to learn how you can defrost your dehumidifier most effectively.

dehumidfier freezing up

When your room temperature is too cold, the dehumidifier will freeze. It takes warm air and runs it over cold coils in the machine dehumidifier. So the air cools down, but warming at the same time keeps your room temperature constant at condensation. Two temperature airs cause condensation due to their mixing. When the coil starts defrosting filtering, blockage the drain line. Dehumidifiers freeze up generally but in most cases, the dehumidifiers will let you know in advance with a warning sign. At times you may happen to see the ice forming on the coils, which can lead to deep frosting. 


If the unit is not receiving sufficient airflow, it will heat the dehumidifier and ultimately stop it. 


Temperature is a major point that might result in your device to continue freezing. The coils are responsible for condensing the water and it is drained after storing it in a water tray. If the temperature is high, the water is ice. When water turns into ice, it hinders the process of condensation and seals off the coil with ice layers. The right temperature that you should be able to control and keep your dehumidifier from freezing up should stay a little bit above 65° F. 


Since the fan is mostly what the dehumidifier is drawing from to get worked up, the dehumidifier will gather dust over time. This will at most lead to a complete blockage, making the unit ice up. If you are cleaning the fans and coils of the unit every week, this stands as what should be done. After cleaning the unit, it will run smoothly and will thus be less likely to form ice.

Either relocate your unit to a warmer room or use your air-conditioning to reduce the room temperature. Lack of airflow is one of the frequent reasons your unit will freeze up. Never house your dehumidifier in a congested area; always leave the required space around your unit.

a person with gloves for cleaning

It doesn’t take too much work to correct your iced-up dehumidifier. While you might not be a professional electrician or technician, you can always get it done with some bright experienced help. Always remember to unplug your unit before working on it as you might get surprised since water and electricity don’t tend to play well with each other.


It’s very important to check your filters as they can get unusable and you will never notice it. Once the faulty filter is found, you can easily wash it under warm water. Now all the dirt specks are being 

cleaned, check for the fan blades and the blower wheel for proper function. If not, then simply wash it off with a damp cloth to clean it off.

Humidity control 

The humidistat control is a sensor capable of sensing the humidity inside your room and can signal the unit to properly maintain the temperature of your room. 


A possible reason for your unit freezing up could be a loose sensor. To correct this problem, simply open the unit and look at the humidity controller. If there is a fault convention, you may unplug it and plug it in tightly. A sensor that is either loose or unplugged would likely have your humidifier icing up on you.

Yes, most dehumidifiers do have an automatic defrost function to defrost the coil and keep dehumidifying. It consists of:

  • Temperature sensor: It senses the evaporator’s temperature and activates a timing device when the temperature rises from 0°C
  • Defrost cycle: It stops the compressor, yet the fan keeps on running to melt away the ice
  • Defrost time: Normally would be 10 minutes in an hour, but if the frost is heavy, it will go longer
  • Restart: Commences dehumidifying again when the evaporator temperature reaches above zero or at the end of the defrost period.

Principle of Operation: 

  1. The temperature probe of the dehumidifier monitors coil temperature. 
  2.  The run-time of the compressor exceeds 30 minutes, either from when it was first powered up or from its last defrost cycle end.
  3.  It satisfies the defrost sensor meeting a temperature of -2 degrees or less for over a minute. If simultaneously both conditions are satisfied, then it enters into the defrost state.
defrosting parameter model photo

You can change the settings of your unit by below steps:

  1. Pressing and holding the settings button for more than 10 seconds will show you the coil temperature as (temperature 1) and display the indoor temperature as (temperature 2).
  2.  When F1 is displayed, by pressing again you will be taken to F2 settings. Now set the defrost interval and adjust it to 30 minutes.
  3. Press the setting key again, and F3 will appear; you can set the defrost time, first adjust to 30 minutes, wait for all the frost to melt, then readjust back to 10 minutes.
  4. Press “Settings” again. Now, “F4” will come up. Here you will see options like intelligent defrost mode and fixed defrost mode. Use mode 2 to fix the defrost when the indoor temperature is 10 degrees.

Dehumidifier Configuration:

  • Now you need to go into F4 manual defrost mode and change to fixed defrost mode.
  • First 30 minutes defrost interval by setting F2 so now set F3-30 for 30 minutes to set defrost time to 30 minutes.
  • When the dehumidifier finishes defrosting then set F3-30 for 30 minutes defrost interval and F3-30 with 10 minutes defrost interval.

Indoor Temperature Configuration:

  • Normal room temperature is around 25 to 26 degrees. Anything less could mean a bit too low. The freezing in the middle section is a result of the effect of dehumidification being too good, lowering the coil temperature here. When the dehumidifier is used normally, it will frost the evaporator, then the compressor stops, and then it will automatically defrost the evaporator and then continue to work.
  • If the room air is too low, say in a low-temperature environment of 0-10°C, you would have to buy a low-temperature dehumidifier. Otherwise, it will go into defrost mode very frequently, which will also reduce the dehumidification efficiency.
  • If the ambient temperature is normal, say between 15-30°C, and the evaporator is still freezing in this strange manner (not normally frosting), then this is a machine that has a fault and needs to be checked.

Check whether there is a fault code at the operation panel, and troubleshoot according to the fault code of the corresponding model. Such as E1(defrost sensor failure), and E4 (Low-pressure; fluorine leakage). With no fault code, and no dirty blockage, the machine works well; but freezing too frequently means the ambient temperature is too low.

Check whether the filter is dirty or clogged. If it is dirty or clogged, clean it. In normal cases, regular filters are washable.

It is a major home appliance a room must have. Among the numerous benefits of a dehumidifier is that it helps control a room’s humidity level and does away with dampness, including molds and excessive moisture. Some of the advantages this appliance has are health improvements and getting rid of allergies. It does all the air cleaning for you. This would help in asthma, for example. This may be kept up and the client usually has an alternative to ask an expert.

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