
How To Make Cigar Humidifier – Follow These 6 Steps

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To make a cigar humidifier, you need to gather materials, assemble the case, connect the controller to the fan, attach a wet film cloth, and close the tank.

Do you want to save money by making a cigar humidifier at home? It’s a good idea as you can use this money to fund more cigars.

However, being a cigar humidification specialist, I have written this detailed step-by-step guide to help you make a cigar humidifier. Read on to learn more.

There are different types of cigar humidifiers available in the market. Right now, I am going to talk about an evaporative humidifier, which takes minimal effort. These humidifiers also have a simple design. Their wet curtains absorb water, release vapor, and increase the airflow inside. However, let’s learn how to make a cigar humidifier below:

YC 100(10.1) cigar humidifier
YC 100(10.1) cigar humidifier

First, you need to collect the necessary items to make the cigar humidifier. These materials are cheap and affordable. You can find these items in supermarkets. So, find the items you need from the list below:

  1. Storage Box: A case for the humidifier
  2. Fan: Ensures proper distribution of vapor inside the humidifier
  3. Controller: Regulate the function of the fan
  4. Fittings: Store or secure the equipment of the humidifier
  5. Hygrometer sensor: Measure the water humidity
  6. Tools (Clamps, screws, nuts, and bolts): Secure all equipment tightly

First, you need to customize the storage box. So, you need to start by making three big holes. In the storage box, make one of the three holes more giant. The other two holes should be made smaller. These two holes will be made to store water or pour water through it into the water tank.

Then, you need to make four small holes around each hole to place screws and secure the equipment tightly. Further, you have to make a small box on top of the storage box to place the controller in it. However, the small box should be able to bypass heat through the box.

You have to make small vents on the controller box so that air can circulate through it properly. Further, you have to position the bottom of the fan with the big hole. Then, secure the fan tightly. Then again, secure the fan’s cover with screws to give it protection. Further, secure the other two holes with the water inlet mesh enclosure by placing screws tightly.

assembling the parts of cigar humidifier

Now, you need to place the controller in the small box located on top of the storage box. Then, secure the controller in the box by screwing the controller’s stripe into the storage box. Further, secure the controller’s wire by clamping it in the controller box. Make sure to clamp each wire properly. Then, close the controller box with a cover and screw it tightly.

cigar humidifier connecting the fan

In the next step, you need to prepare the wet film cloth. This wet film cloth helps to increase the water vapor. So, you need to cut it to the size of the storage box and then cut the edges. Then, you need to place the wet cloth on the opposite side of the fan. Further, to attach the cloth to the storage box, you can use a small tray and place it horizontally to the wet cloth.

Make sure to place it in the middle of the cloth. Then you can secure the cloth sing bolts and screw it properly. Further, you have to cut the wet cloth’s edges into three pieces.  It helps to distribute the water vapor inside the storage box evenly.

wet film

Now, you can connect the humidifier with a temperature sensor.  It will show you the current room temperature. In this way, you can be sure that the humidifier is working correctly. However, you have to insert a hygrometer in the water tank so that it can measure the water humidity inside. To set it up, you need to attach the hygrometer sensor in one corner of the water tank and secure it with a clamp.

working cigar humidiifer display

Now, you have to close the water tank with the storage box by placing its bottom side toward the tank. Then, place bolts in every corner of the storage box and secure them tightly. Finally, the cigar humidifier is prepared.

Video: cigar humidifier production video

  • You have to ensure the homemade cigar humidifier is efficient. In this case, you have to install the equipment in the storage box with precision and accuracy. Then, make sure the humidifier is working correctly by connecting it to an ambient humidity sensor.
  • You must clamp the controller’s edge properly so that it can prevent abrasion or cuts, which may lead to a big disaster, such as creating a fire hazard.

It is a relatively easy job to make a cigar humidifier. These homemade humidifiers take very few materials. So, you won’t have to make large investments in this. However, from assembling the case to adding wet clothes to the storage box, you need to do the whole process with precision.

However, if you want to buy a manufactured cigar humidifier, Getairfy is a certified cigar humidifier manufacturer providing high-quality cigar humidifiers to customers. So, contact us right away with your queries.

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