
A Comprehensive Guide to Reduce Dehumidifier Noise

dehumidifier noise

A Professional’s Take On Reducing Excessive Dehumidifier Noise

Now the dehumidifiers are required in every commercial and industrial space to maintain the environment of that space. There are industries and commercial spaces that become too humid, and working there becomes really difficult. However, when you turn on the dehumidifier — it makes operational noise — just like any other machine, and makes the workspace noisier. 

Other than the regular operational noise of a dehumidifier — that you simply can’t avoid — a dehumidifier becomes noisy for several reasons. This could be overlooking maintenance or not investing in the right dehumidifier. 

Let’s explore the unavoidable and avoidable noises of a dehumidifier to see how you can reduce the excessive dehumidifier noise!

It is important to know that dehumidifiers do make regular operational noise that you can’t avoid. The manufacturers design it in a way to keep the noise minimal. However, there is excessive dehumidifier noise too, which causes disturbance at the workplace. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the standard operational noise level of the commercial or industrial dehumidifiers before buying them.

You need minimal noise at your workplace to create a workable environment. Here, a noisy dehumidifier can disturb your employees with excessive noise while doing its job of dehumidification. 

Let’s find out how to determine the standard noise level of a dehumidifier to help you make the right choice when buying a commercial or industrial dehumidifier. 

How Noisy Is Your Dehumidifier
How Noisy Is Your Dehumidifier?

To help you understand the noise level of commercial dehumidifiers, let’s discuss a practical noise test done by GetJoeAir in a workplace. This will help differentiate between the noise caused by the dehumidifier and the noises caused by other factors at the workplace. In this noise test, first of all, the regular noise level of a workplace — ambient noise — was tested. In the next phase, the noise level was observed when people were communicating. Finally, it measured the noise level when the dehumidifier was turned on.

Let’s look into it in detail!

In a noise test done in a workplace without a dehumidifier, the ambient noise level was around 35-40 decibels. It was the noise that persists in the very work environment. 

It then measures the sound of people talking within the workplace, which resulted in 75-85 decibels. This was the noise caused by people talking, the office machinery running, and more. The sound of the dehumidifier was not included in this reading. 

Finally, the noise level of the commercial dehumidifier was tested. It resulted in 65-70 decibels. This reading allows you to understand that a dehumidifier with such a noise level is suitable for commercial use. It would not mess with your employees’ focus and so will not affect their productivity. 

You can also view this noise test in this commercial dehumidifier noise test, and get a better insight into the commercial dehumidifiers before making a choice. You can reduce the commercial dehumidifier noise by investing in the right dehumidifiers that are the least noisy. 

The noise level of industrial dehumidifiers was also tested to help buyers understand the intensity of noise these dehumidifiers may cause. It is hard to perform in a noisy industrial environment, where the noise of industrial machinery is also there. 

In a noise test of industrial dehumidifiers, the ambient noise of an industrial room was tested. It was done without the dehumidifier running. The average noise level was around 45-50 decibels

Next, the noise level of people talking around the industrial space was measured, without the dehumidifier running. The results were 65-75 decibels

Finally, the industrial dehumidifier was turned on to observe the noise level in the industrial environment. It turned out to be 75-80 decibels. 

Check out this experiment to see the industrial dehumidifier noise test. You can better analyze your industrial space and how much noise you can handle, in addition to the noise caused by your industrial machinery. An industrial dehumidifier with the least noise works best to keep the space’s environment comfortable and less noisy. 

Decibel Scale Sound Level
Decibel Scale/Sound Level

It is important to understand why your dehumidifier is noisy — before you look for ways to reduce its noise. There are several reasons why a dehumidifier becomes noisy and starts making noise than usual. You can identify the cause of the noise to make better solutions to reduce that noise. 

Let’s discuss some common noise sources that may contribute to dehumidifier noise.

A compressor is the major component of a dehumidifier that determines its functionality. If you ignore regular maintenance, the compressor starts generating a vibrating sound that only gets louder over time. This also adds to the excessive dehumidifier noise at a workplace. 

Dehumidifiers also become noisy when you overlook the maintenance part. When the dehumidifier runs, it creates vibrations, due to which its screws and panels loosen over time. 

Dehumidifier also becomes noisy when you keep operating it in an inappropriate state. This could be a higher power mode, higher than your regular need of dehumidification. Make sure the dehumidifier is running at an optimal state to avoid dehumidifier noise. 

A dehumidifier also becomes noisy when it has some air obstructions. Look for the air filters and the dehumidifier vents. If these components are clogged — it will create resistance in the airflow. Consequently, the dehumidifier will surely create noise while operating. 

A dehumidifier also starts creating more noise when it is not placed at an even surface. It causes more vibrations when the positioning is not right. 

A dehumidifier also becomes noisy when the alignment of its blades is not right. These misalignments cause imbalance, which then leads to a buzzing sound that increases the dehumidifier noise. 

The smartest way to avoid dehumidifier noise is to keep the device in its optimal operational state. When you schedule regular maintenance of the dehumidifier, it never makes excessive noise. Clean the block airways, tighten the loosen internal components of the dehumidifier, and keep the dehumidifier dust and dirt free. 

Look into the placement of the dehumidifier to reduce its noise. If it is placed at an even surface, it will never make extra noise. You can also use an anti-vibration mat to make the dehumidifier even quieter than usual.

The lubrication prevents extra friction, due to which the dehumidifier becomes less noisy. Experts suggest to grease the internal components of the dehumidifier to reduce excessive dehumidifier noise.

You can always make the right buying decisions while choosing a dehumidifier, to avoid dehumidifier noise in your workplace. There are dehumidifiers that make as minimal noise as 65-80 decibels. These energy efficient compressors used in these dehumidifiers also reduce the operating noise of the dehumidifier. 

GetJoeAIr Offers High Quality Dehumidifiers
GetJoeAIr Offers High-Quality Dehumidifiers

Excessive dehumidifier noise can cause much inconvenience at the workplace. While you must always look for quieter dehumidifiers with optimum dehumidifying efficiency. You must also prioritize the regular maintenance of the dehumidifier before it starts making more noise than usual. You can follow these professional suggestions to reduce unnecessary dehumidifier noise and make your workplace calmer. 

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